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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(4): 54 - 56.

Nguyen H. E. Hyperuricemia, positive rheumatoid factor and positive ANA: a rare combination in one patient. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(4): 54 - 56.



Joint pain is a common clinical problem seen in general practice. There are several conditions that are related to joint pain. In clinical practice, some laboratory investigations are used for diagnosis and managment of the patient with joint pain. The examples of those laboratory investigations are serum uric acid, rheumatoid factor and ANA. Here, the author presents a patient with a rare combination of Hyperuricemia, positive rheumatoid factor and positive ANA.

Keywords: Hyperuricemia, positive, rheumatoid factor, ANA

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