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Friday, December 4, 2020

Case Study and Case Report 2020; 10(4): 41 - 44.

Wannroopthamthus K. Subcutaneous cysticercosis: an accidental radioimaging finding. Case Study and Case Report 2020; 10(4): 41 - 44. ABSTRACT Parasitic infestation is a common problem in tropical medicine. There are many kinds of parasitic infestation including to tissue parasitic infestation. Cysticercosis is an important cestode tissue parasitic infestation. This infection might be asymptomatic and silent. It is sometimes identified by radioimaging investigation. In this report, the author presents a pictorial case report on cysticercosis in an elderly. It is an example of accidental finding in Chest X-ray that is sporadically seen in tropical settings. Key words: cysticercosis, imaging, parasite