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Monday, December 23, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2020; 10(1): 4 - 7.

Virek V, Nyuyen H. Spontaneous hemarthrosis of the knee associated with clopidogrel treatment. Case Study Case Rep. 2020; 10(1): 4 - 7.


The authors report a case of a 72-year-old-woman who developed spontaneous hemarthrosis of her left knee following clopidogrel treatment.  She has just got diagnosis of ischemic stroke and recived clopidogrel treatment for 3 months. The spontaneous hemarthrosis following clopidogrel therapy is rare. The case was managed by prompt articular aspiration after discontinuing clopidogrel therapy. In conclusion, spontaneous hemarthrosis is a possible complication following clopidogrel therapy and this condition should be recognized by practitioner since clopidogrel is widely used.

Keywords: hemathrosis, spontaneous, clopidogrel

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2020; 10(1): 1 - 3.

Joob B. Editorial: Reasons for article retraction. Case Study Case Rep. 2020; 10(1): 1 - 3.

Unethical practice in academic publicaiton is a common unwnanted problem. Retraction is a standard way for management of problematic published article. Reasons for article retraction is an interesting issue in academic publicaiton. It is necessary to have clear information in retraction note. The details in retraction might be a good case study. This might be useful as lesson learnt to the reader. Honesty is based on ethical background and it is difficult to use a simple system for management in a short period. Any reporting guidelines might be useful and a user understands how to effectively and properly use it. Implementation of guidelines might be useless if the user is not qualified and ethical.

Keywords: misconduct, ethical, retraction

Monday, September 30, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(4): 61 - 63.

Tiemsiriwatt W, Chandriga S. Tamoxifen induced maculopapular eruption: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(4): 61 - 63.


Breast cancer is an important common malignant disease. The chemotherapy is usually indicated for the patient with breast cancer. Tamoxifen is a common chemotherapeutic agent for management of patient with breast cancer. The dermatological adverse effect of tamoxifen is possible but little mentioned in the literature. In the present report, the authors report a case with tamoxifen induced maculopapular rash.

Keywords: Tamoxifen, breast cancer, maculopapular rash

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(4): 57 - 60.

Makumbaba R, Makumba Y. E. Hyponatremia induced Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(4): 57 - 60.

Low blood sodium is an important laboratory finding in clinical practice. This condition is known as hyponatremia. The hyponatremia is can cause several clinical problems especially for problems on neurological system such as seizure. hyponatremia related Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a rare cardiac complication of hyponatremia. In the present report, the authors present a case of hyponatremia related Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Keywords: Hyponatremia, blood, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(4): 50 - 53.

Joob B, Noda M. Editorial: screening for duplicated text in submited manuscript – false positive and editorial awareness. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(4): 50 - 53.


Unethical practice in academic publicaiton is not an uncommon problem. A commmon problem is the duplication of already published materials. The duplicated text might appear in any submitted article. It is the role of the editorial team to screen for any possible duplicated text in submitted article for publicaiton. The use of computational screening tool is widely used in the presnt day. An important concern is a possibility of false positive due to computational screening for duplicated text. Here, the authors demonstrate an example of false positive case and discuss on this specific issue.

Keywords: dublication, plagiarism, screening, software, awareness

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(4): 54 - 56.

Nguyen H. E. Hyperuricemia, positive rheumatoid factor and positive ANA: a rare combination in one patient. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(4): 54 - 56.



Joint pain is a common clinical problem seen in general practice. There are several conditions that are related to joint pain. In clinical practice, some laboratory investigations are used for diagnosis and managment of the patient with joint pain. The examples of those laboratory investigations are serum uric acid, rheumatoid factor and ANA. Here, the author presents a patient with a rare combination of Hyperuricemia, positive rheumatoid factor and positive ANA.

Keywords: Hyperuricemia, positive, rheumatoid factor, ANA

Friday, August 2, 2019

Case and Study Case Report. 2019; 9(3): 46 – 49.

Pilavane K, Mungmunpuntipantip R2, Abe K. Terra firma-forme dermatosis: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(3): 46 – 49.


Skin lesion is usually an important cosmetic concern of the patient. In the present clincial case report, the authors present an example of little mentioned dermatological condition namely Terra firma-forme dermatosis. The presentation of this condition is the hyperpigmentation of the skin. The exact underlying condition of this specific dermatological problem is not well clarified.

Keywords: Terra firma-forme dermatosis, hyperpigmentation, skin

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2018; 8(4): 75 - 78.

Nguyen H, Dumas P. Pancreatic panniculitis. Case Study Case Rep. 2018; 8(4): 75 - 78.


In physiological function, pancreas plays both exocrine and endocrine function. The
pancreas abnormality can result in several clinical problems. The good examples of
pancreatic disorders are pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. The clinical manifestation of a
pancreatic disorder is very interesting. Here, the author presents an interesting case of a
female patient presenting with abnormal skin lesion. The fat necrosis is defined and the
case is finally diagnosed to be a case of a rare disorder, pancreatic panniculitis.

Keywords: pancreas, panniculitis

Full text available online at

Monday, June 24, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(3): 42 – 45.

Pilavane K. Acute exophthalmos due to thyrotoxicosis in an elderly: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(3): 42 – 45.


Thyrotoxicosis is a common endocrine problem. This problem can result in several clinical manifestations including to exophthalmos. In the elderly, the problem is less common. Here, the author reporst a case of an old female patient presenting with acute exophthalmos. Finally, the patient was diagnosed to be a case of oxophthalmic goiter.

Keywords: exophthalmos, thyrotoxicosis, elderly, acute

Full text available online at

Friday, June 7, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(3): 30 - 41.

Grabala P, Latalski M. Rare abdominal complications after undergoing posterior spinal fusion for progressed idiopathic scoliosis – case series and a literature review. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(3): 30 - 41.


Spine surgery is associated with perioperative risk of complications in children and adolescents. Spinal manipulation for the correction of scoliotic deformity can lead to abdominal complications especially to superior mesenteric artery syndrome. It is a relatively rare disease that the etiology is closely related to the anatomy and the topography of the duodenum, aorta, and superior mesenteric artery syndrome.The authors present and analyze the case series of patients who were diagnosed and treated for SMAS after scoliosis surgery.
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome can occur frequently in patients after surgical correction of the spine deformities. At the curvatures of the order of 80 degrees or more, there is a significant change in the topography of the anatomical structures and their adaptation to a new position after surgery. Special attention must be paid to young, lean patients, with BMI below 19, and the postoperative effect of an elongated axis of the spine. Even if superior mesenteric artery syndrome occurs, in most cases it can and should be treated conservatively. But it is very important that delayed treatment of SMAS may result in death.

Keywords: complication, scoliosis,  surgery, pediatric, spinal, deformity, AIS, SMAS, superior mesenteric artery syndrome

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(2): 16 - 19.

Supasiripinyokul P. Unexplained hypoglycemia and intake of Gymnanthemum extensum as alternative medicine for health promotion. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(2): 16 - 19.


The abnormal blood glucose is an important clinical problem. Hypoglycemia is a possible clinical complaint. There are several possible etiological factors inducing hypoglycemia. In the present report, the author presents a case of patient presenting with unexplained hypoglycemia. According to the in depth history taking, the patient revealed history in intake of leaves of Gymnanthemum extensum due to the belief that the plant can promote good health. At present, several plants are locally claimed for the medical usefulness and used as alternative medicine around the world. Without good control, there might be a possible adverse effect.

Keywords: Hypoglycemia, Gymnanthemum extensum, alternative medicine

Full text available online at

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(2): 12 - 15.

Mungmunpunpitpantip R. Hyperventilation syndrome occurring at financial counter of medical center. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(2): 12 - 15.


The psychological stress is a common medical problem. This problem is observable worldwide. Hyperventilation syndrome is an important psychological disorder due to the anxious state. Sometimes, hyperventilation syndrome might occur at an unusual place and becomes an interesting case study. In this short report, the author presents a case of hyperventilation syndrome occurring at financial counter of medical center. The root cause analysis show that the patient got stress from the high medical fee.

Keywords: Hyperventilation syndrome, financial, medical center

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(2): 10 - 11.

Joob S, Joob B. Case report, author, reviewer, editor, publisher: problem in publication and retraction. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(2): 10 - 11.


In this editorial, the situation of unethical publication is discussed. Similar to any kinds of publication, the unethical practice might be seen in published care report. The problem might be due to author, reviewer, editor or publisher. The proper management of the problematic publication is necessary. The retraction is the standard management of such problem.

Keywords: Case report, author, reviewer, editor, publisher, retraction

Full text available online at

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(1): 7 - 9.

Silvera F. Fixed drug eruption due to Bromhexine. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(1): 7 - 9.


Drug is generally used in medical practice. The adverse reaction to drug use is a common adverse effect that has to be monitored. Drug allergy can occur in any patient. Here, the author presents a case report of fixed drug allergy due to Bromhexine. Bromhexine is the specific simple drug that is widely used in daily clinical practice. The allergic reaction to Bromhexine is possible but uncommon. Practitioner has to aware that there is a possibility for the severe allergic reaction to Bromhexine.

Keywords: Bromhexine, allergy, eruption

Full text available online at

Friday, January 11, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(1): 4 - 6.

Lim S. Tongue gonorrhea: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(1): 4 - 6.


Tongue is an important organ in the oral cavity. The infection of tongue is possible in clinical medicine. Nevertheless, the unusual infection might be sometimes observable. In this short article, the author reports a case of tongue gonococcal infection. The patient presented with the complaint of pain at tongue and gave history of oral sexual contact with a female prostitute.

Keywords: Tongue, gonorrhea

Full text available online at

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2019; 9(1): 1 - 3.

Joob B. Editorial: A non - medical case as a medical case study. Case Study Case Rep. 2019; 9(1): 1 - 3.


Medical case study is a useful medical article that can be the resource and lesson learnt for the readers. A good case study is usually valuable and useful for clinical practitioner. The clinical case study is usually derived from good clinical case scenario. Nevertheless, the clinical case study is sometimes based on the non - medical case scenario. In this editorial, a non – medical case as a medical case study is specifically discussed. The clinical practitioners should not forget the important of non – medical case scenario seen in their daily practice. If a clinical practitioner get an interesting experience on non – medical case scenario, the practitioner should report and share experience on that case in the case study and case report journal.

Keywords: Case study, medical, non-medical

Full text available online at