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Monday, April 30, 2018

Case Study and Case Report. 2018; 8(2): 40 - 43.

Tiemsiriwatt W, Chandriga S, Kuillinorman L. Gall stone in a patient with polythemia. Case Study Case Rep. 2018; 8(2): 40 - 43.


Gall stone is an important gastrointestinal problem that can cause the abnormal liver function. There are several underlying causes of gall stones including to hemolytic anemia and hypercholesterolemia. In tropical Indochina, the tropical hemoglobinopathy is common and considered an important cause of gall stone. Nevertheless, the non-anemic hemoglobin disorders such as polycythemia can be seen. In this report, the authors present a case of gall stone in a patient with polycythemia.

Keywords: Gall stone, polycythemia

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