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Monday, December 23, 2019

Case Study and Case Report. 2020; 10(1): 4 - 7.

Virek V, Nyuyen H. Spontaneous hemarthrosis of the knee associated with clopidogrel treatment. Case Study Case Rep. 2020; 10(1): 4 - 7.


The authors report a case of a 72-year-old-woman who developed spontaneous hemarthrosis of her left knee following clopidogrel treatment.  She has just got diagnosis of ischemic stroke and recived clopidogrel treatment for 3 months. The spontaneous hemarthrosis following clopidogrel therapy is rare. The case was managed by prompt articular aspiration after discontinuing clopidogrel therapy. In conclusion, spontaneous hemarthrosis is a possible complication following clopidogrel therapy and this condition should be recognized by practitioner since clopidogrel is widely used.

Keywords: hemathrosis, spontaneous, clopidogrel

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