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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Case Study and Case Report 2017; 7(2): 35 – 45.

Olaifa AK, Oguntoye CO. Type I free gas bloat vagal indigestion in a 10-month old west
African dwarf goat: a case report. Case Study Case Rep. 2017; 7(2): 35 – 45.


Type I vagal indigestion, or failure of eructation, results in free-gas bloat and has been
attributed to inflammatory lesions in the vicinity of the vagus nerve, such as localized
peritonitis, adhesions (usually after an episode of traumatic reticuloperitonitis), or chronic
pneumonia with anterior mediastinitis. Bloat is an over distention of the rumen and reticulum
with the gases of fermentation. Free gas bloat is a secondary tympany where vagus
indigestion or other innervations disorders, esophageal papilloma, lymphosarcoma and
esophageal foreign bodies are examples of its causes. A 10-month old West African Dwarf
buck was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital University of Ibadan with a
distended abdomen which was more towards the left side following a fight between the buck
and another buck in the same pen. The distention occurred gradually over a week. Physical
examination was performed and a left ping was heard on percussion of the distention after
which the animal was taken into the theatre for exploratory rumenotomy. When bloating
occurs, these gases cannot escape, they continue to build up and cause severe distention of
the abdomen, reflected by discomfort and acute pain, furthermore bloat cause decrease
respiratory rate due to compression of the thorax followed by Dyspnea and difficult
breathing, however the compression might affected heart lead to increase its rate and intensity
causing reduced performance, activity and death in some cases.

Keywords: Vagal indigestion, bloat, rumenotomy, buck

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