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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Case Study and Case Report. 2020; 10(2): 13 - 16.

Supasiripinyokul P. Acute hepatitis due to intake of Gymnanthemum extensum regimen aiming at COVID-19 prevention. Case Study Case Rep. 2020; 10(2): 13 - 16.


COVID-19 is a new important public health problem. This viral infection starts in Republic of China and it already spreads to almost all countries in our world. As a new disease that can result in mortality, general population usually feels fear for getting infection. Sometimes, alternative medicine might be selected as tool for disease prevention by general people. In the present report, the author presents a case of patient presenting with acute hepatitis. According to the in depth history taking, the patient revealed history in intake of leaves of Gymnanthemum extensum due to the belief that the plant can help prevent COVID-19. At present, several plants are locally claimed for the medical usefulness and used as alternative medicine aiming at COVID-19 prevention. Without good control, there might be a possible adverse effect from those unproven herbs claimed for COVID-19 prevention.

Keywords: Hepatitis, COVID-19, Gymnanthemum extensum, alternative medicine